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May I Give Wrap-Up


As May 2021 comes to a close so does Networking Leads’ inaugural MAY I GIVE campaign of acknowledging and thanking the many heroes that selflessly and tirelessly give to advance worthy humanitarian causes.

We also take the opportunity on this extremely important American Memorial Day Holiday Weekend to reflect and honor the men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military to preserve and protect our most amazing United States of America.

Since we first created Networking Leads, we have held countless educational seminars, networking events, designed meeting spaces for you to connect with others, created a Coffeehouse for you to share amazing experiences with others, held fundraising events, and so much more.

We do this solely to help you first resolve your respective struggles so that you can next be presented with amazing new life changing opportunities

After a year of struggle for so many of us, this was a very important month of May where Networking Leads wanted to GIVE a sneak peak of all that we will continue to do for our community. We want more networking events, more educational seminars, more business recognitions, and more of YOU.

This is your year, your time to get your business prospering, and your time to shine.

Let’s keep going.

Jennifer Alonso, Kathia Guzman

Marketing Consultants

Networking Leads


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